龙卷风 Tornado
从10点冷却到3点 Cooldown from 10 to 3
处理很低的空气伤害 Deals very low air damage
转一圈,发冷和震动 Chills and shocks for 1 turn
更大的半径 Bigger radius
污染 Contamination
从3降至2 Cooldown from 3 to 2
从55点到65点 Damage from 55 to 65
半径从8到16 Radius from 8 to 16
吸血狂热 Vampiric Hunger Aura
从5降至3 Cooldown from 5 to 3
源成本从1到0 Source cost from 1 to 0
AP费用由1到2 AP cost from 1 to 2
火舌 Flaming Tongues
从5降至4 Cooldown from 5 to 4
攻击半径从3到7 Attack radius from 3 to 7
给予2回合的火焰免疫 Gives fire immunity for 2 turns
激潮 Thick of the Fight
半径从4到10 Radius from 4 to 10
AP费用由2到1 AP cost from 2 to 1
从2到3的持续时间 Duration from 2 to 3
闪电晕眩 Dazing Bolt
损失120到150 Damage from 120 to 150
伤害半径从3到4 Damage radius from 3 to 4
剑拔弩张 Daggers Drawn
AP从4点到2点 AP Cost from 4 to 2
从6点冷却到4点 Cooldown from 6 to 4
星尘爆破 Dust Blast
AP费用由3到2 AP Cost from 3 to 2
从100点到130点 Damage from 100 to 130
细菌腐坏 Acid Spores
从5降至3 Cooldown from 5 to 3
50 ~ 70(每孢子)损坏 Damage from 50 to 70 (per spore)
破败之刃 Corrupted Blade
从4降到3 Cooldown from 4 to 3
从115到160 Damage from 115 to 160
风暴降临 Ethereal Storm
AP从4点到2点 AP Cost from 4 to 2
血风暴 Blood Storm
交易高物理伤害 Deals high physical damage
半径的增加 Radius increased
感染 Infect
从100到145 Damage from 100 to 145
目标距离从13到20 Target distance from 13 to 20
油性甲壳 Oily Carapace
半径从2到5 Radius from 2 to 5
从3降至2 Cooldown from 3 to 2
质量油性甲壳 Mass Oily Carapace
AP费用由2到1 AP Cost from 2 to 1
从5降至3 Cooldown from 5 to 3
半径从13到16 Radius from 13 to 16
冷冻疗法 Cryotherapy
半径从2到5 Radius from 2 to 5
从3降至2 Cooldown from 3 to 2
质量冷冻疗法 Mass Cryotherapy
AP费用由2到1 AP Cost from 2 to 1
从5降至3 Cooldown from 5 to 3
半径从13到16 Radius from 13 to 16
钢铁之心 Heart of Steel
从4到3的持续时间 Duration from 4 to 3
护甲从30度恢复到45度 Armor restore from 30 to 45
从5降至4 Cooldown from 5 to 4
沉默是金 Gag Order
从90点到130点 Damage from 90 to 130
奇妙法束 Erratic Wisp
空气阻力从40到70 Air resistance from 40 to 70
物理和穿透性从0到50 Physical and piercing resistance from 0 to 50
从6点冷却到5点 Cooldown from 6 to 5
狂攻 Onslaught
从6点冷却到5点 Cooldown from 6 to 5
50 - 85的伤害 Damage from 50 to 85
次元箭 Dimensional Bolt
从70点到90点 Damage from 70 to 90
预见 Farsight
精确度从50到90 Accuracy from 50 to 90
伤害从0增加到15 Damage boost from 0 to 15
范围从300米增加到500米 Range boost from 3m to 5m
闪光砂砾 Glitter Dust
精确度从0到- 25 Accuracy from 0 to -25
解压复制pak到\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\Mods,在游戏内加载MOD。
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