


连接节点安卓手机版(益智连线手游) v0.10 免费版

连接节点安卓手机版(益智连线手游) v0.10 免费版 51.64M / 简体中文

Mr成功免费版(Mr Success) v1.3.1 安卓版

Mr成功免费版(Mr Success) v1.3.1 安卓版 34.01M / 简体中文


Mr成功v1.3.3 5.45M /

   俺的理解(仅限于俺的理解,不能保证是不是正确的),MR集成在MAYA中,可以支持MAYA自身的大部分节点,6。5的好像还能正确渲染LAYER SHADER了,但LAYER SHADER材质网络不能使用MR的CUSTOM SHADER。试过。大部分的效果都可以用MAYA的自有SHADER来完成,比如折射/反射/BUMP/置换,但使用CUSTOM SHADER有个好处就是可以让MR在计算GI和焦散时速度快些而且效果更加精准。有些特效还得必须是MR的才行,这方面有体积焦散,3S效果,一些灯光效果。MR有一些基本属性并没有作为材质本身的属性集成,而是单独作为节点存在,比如它的SAMPLE COMPOSITING下的东东,折射/反射/透明/半透明/双面等,MR本身还具有很好的SUB功能,但对模型有要求有点高,渲染时再在全局框中设定一下可以得到一个很好的SUB效果。MR不  支持MAYA的HAIR,不支持PE,不支持硬件渲染型粒子。(HAIR可以渲染,但要用到另一个节点,而且速度暴慢)。
   MR的材质网络中可以MR CUSTOM SHADER和MAYA自己的SHADER混用。好了,说了这么多,开始吧。这篇教程中只会说到MR的一些基本节点的使用,有MR的文件纹理连接和BUMP,非集成的反射和折射效果。并不会涉及到怎么调GI和焦散,FG等。这方面资料太多了。
   随便创建一个场景,几个圆球就可以。然后开始我们的MR节点连接。打开超图,找到TEXTURES标签,点击MIB_TEXTURE_LOOKUP,它的参数很简单,然后在TEX后点击按钮,这时会创建一个MENTALRAY TEXTURE节点,这个节点的作用是可以指定贴图。它的参数也比较简单,比较重要的是FILTER,可以设定图片的过滤值还有WRITABLE可以指定图片的纵横像素比。接下来在IMAGE NAME后单击按钮指定一张贴图。这时基本的连接完成,创建一个mib_illum_lambert,这里因为要学反射节点所以用它。要不可以直接使用DGS的。把MIB_TEXTURE_LOOKUP与mib_illum_lambert的DIFFUSE连接,连接完所节点如图:






vector "mib_texture_remap" (
vector "input",
transform "transform",
vector "repeat",
boolean "alt_x",
boolean "alt_y",
boolean "alt_z",
boolean "torus_x",
boolean "torus_y",
boolean "torus_z",
vector "min",
vector "max")
input is a texture vector from a generator such as mib_texture_vector that returns texture vectors. input is overridden when this shader is called with a nonzero arg parameter in mi_call_shader_x. This is useful for remapping multiple texture coordinates when the remapping parameters are identical for all of them.
transform is a general transformation applied to the texture vector before the remaining parameters are applied. If transform[3][3] is 0.0, the matrix is ignored (normally transform[3][3] is 1.0).
repeat contains repetition factors in X, Y, and Z that the texture vector is multiplied with. A value of 2, for example, shrinks the texture such that it fits twice in the [0, 1) interval. Repeating has no effect outside this interval. After the multiplication by the repetition factor, the integer part is removed. This algorithm allows finite repetition in an interval determined by the transform parameter. A repetition value of 0 turns off repetition in the corresponding component, as if the value were 1.
alt_* specifies whether every other copy of the repetition would be reversed such that successive copies of the texture are traversed in alternate, back-and-forth directions. Alternate flags have an effect only if the corresponding repetition component is greater than 1, and also work only in the [0, 1) interval.

torus_* maps the texture space into the range [0, 1) such that values less than 0 and equal to or greater than 1 are put into this range by cutting off the integer part.
min and max implement image or volume cropping by specifying the range of the texture to be considered. Portions of the texture outside this range are trimmed off. If repetition is used, the max point of one copy joins the min point of the next copy (unless alternation is turned on). min is inclusive, max is exclusive. If a min component is equal to the corresponding max component, both are ignored.
Return a texture vector derived from orthographic projections of the 3D point in space (XY, XZ, YZ), non-orthographic projections (spherical or cylindrical); or return a numbered texture vector from the texture vector list. Optionally, this shader can base its calculations on object, camera, world, or screen space.
vector "mib_texture_vector" (
integer "select",
integer "selspace",
integer "vertex",
integer "project")
select specifies the value to look up, as described above.
selspace allows choosing the source space for projections, as described above. Space conversion is done before the projection specified by the select parameter. If selspace is 4 (screen space), select, vertex, and project are ignored.
vertex specifies the location of the vertex: 0 is the intersection point, and 1, 2, and 3 are the vertices of the intersected triangle. It has no effect if select is -10.
project specifies a projection that is performed after selection and space conversion. It has no effect if select is -10.
   如果是要用MAYA的默认UV SET,记得参数保持默认啊,别乱输入其它数字,其实就是可以用它来指定不同的贴图坐标,比如屏幕空间,视图空间,摄像机空间或者正投影模式不过都得用数字代码来表示。这里发发牢骚,MR的这种数字模式有时候气死人,谁记得了这么多不同数字代表什么东东啊?用过RAT的兄弟就知道RAT的坐标处理多直观,S T .MAYA UV SET等一目了然。mib_texture_vector连接到mib_texture_remap的INPUT上,方式如图:












